
Pleasure Judges

September 8th, 2024
Teresa Pelton
February 2, 2025
Sandy Curl
October 6th, 2024
Chris Holbin
March 2, 2025
Jennifer Sawyer
November 3, 2024
Britt Snay
April 6, 2025
Jeremy Michael
December 8, 2024
Shannon Curl
May 4, 2025
Dustin Eickenhorst

Pleasure Show Class List

1. Grooming and Conditioning
2. Foals of 2024
3. Yearlings of 2023
4. Miniatures & Ponies (14.2 and
5. Stock Type Mares (2 & Over)
6. Stock Type Stallions & Geldings (2 &
7. Non-Stock Halter
39. Ranch Conformation
40. Ranch Ground handling
41. 18 & U W/J Western pleasure
42. 18 & U W/J Western Horsemanship
43. Adult W/J Western Pleasure
44. Adult W/J Western Horsemanship
45. Open W/J Western Pleasure
46. Open W/J Western Horsemanship
47. Pre Western Pleasure W/J/L
48. Pre Western Horsemanship W/J/L
49. 18 & U Go As You Please Western
50. Adult Go As You Please Western
51. 18 & U Western Pleasure
52. 18 & U Western Horsemanship
53. Adult Western Pleasure
54. Adult Western Horsemanship
55. Open Western Pleasure
56. Open Western Horsemanship
57. Command (Western attire only)
58. Ranch Pleasure
59. Ranch Riding
60. Ranchmanship
61. Ranch Reining
8. Color
9. Miniature/Pony Showmanship
10. 1st Year Showmanship
11. 18 & Under Showmanship
12. Adult Showmanship
Attire Only)

62. In-Hand Trail
63. W/J – W/T Trail
64. Open Trail
65. Ranch Trail
13. Hunter In Hand
14. Special Needs Leadline Pleasure
W/E all ages*
15. Special Needs Leadline Equitation
W/E all ages*
16. Leadline Pleasure 7 & under W/E
17. Leadline Equitation 7 & under W/E
18. Leadline Pattern Horsemanship 7 &
under W/E
19. W/J-T Off Lead Pleasure 10 & under W/E
20. W/J-T Off Lead Equitation 10 &
under W/E
21. W/J-T Off Lead Pattern
Horsemanship W/E
22. 18 & U W/T English Pleasure
23. 18 & U W/T English Equitation
24. Adult W/T English Pleasure
25. Adult W/T English Equitation
26. Open W/T English Pleasure
27. Open W/T English Equitation
28. Pre-English Pleasure W/T/C
29. Pre-English Equitation W/T/C
30. 18 & U Go As You Please English
31. Adult Go As You Please English
32. 18 & U English Pleasure
33. 18 & U English Equitation
34. Adult English Pleasure
35. Adult English Equitation
36. Open English Pleasure
37. Open English Equitation
38. Command (English attire only)

2024 – 2025 Year-End Divisions

1 & 2 or 3 or 5 or 6 or 7 (2 classes required)
1 or 103, 10/11, 30, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38
(14.2 & UNDER)
1, 4, 7, 9, 62
1 or 103, 10/12, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
16, 17,18
1, 10/11, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 63
19, 20, 21
1 10/12, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 63
1 or 103, 10/11, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30
1, 10/11, 49, 51, 52, 55, 56, 64
1 or 103,10/12, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31
1, 10/12, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 64
39, 40, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65
  • Division points are awarded to the rider only (excluding halter), not to a horse rider
    Where 2 horses are shown in the same class by the same rider the highest score only is used. Halter points are awarded to the horse only..
  • All divisions except where noted must show 5 of the 8 shows and 51% of classes to be eligible for Division award..
  • Halter division must show 2 of 5 classes to be eligible for division award.
  • For ranch division high point or year end you must enter 1 in hand class that is in division.

Pleasure Show Rules and Descriptions

1.    POSSE GENERAL RULES GOVERN ALL SHOWS. Breed and AQHA rules will be guidelines for the Pleasure Show. AHRA rules for Ranch Riding Division.

2.    NO SCHOOLING EQUIPMENT IN ANY SHOW RINGS AT ANY TIME, those listed in AQHA or USEF rules. No Martingales.

3.    RING CONFLICTS – Trainers/Riders must let All Rings involved know 2 classes prior if Conflict/ Tack Change. A 30 Second Gate Call Will be Enforced. Riders should be entering the ring as the previous class being pinned to expedite show.

4.    Grooming & Conditioning to be shown In hand, to be judged on grooming details and condition. Horses should be of proper weight, properly cleaned and clipped. Will be asked to walk, jog/trot. In line up, horses should be mannerly and stand quiet for the judge’s inspection. Judged on Horse.

5.    Halter classes to be shown In Hand, to be judged on way of going, soundness, conformation, manners and proper weight. Horses should be groomed to breed specifications. Will be asked to walk, jog/trot and line up. Handlers should be properly attired. Horses are to be shown on a lead shank of adequate length and strength. Non Stock breeds include Arabian, Saddlebred, Miniature, Draft, Paso Fino, Tennessee Walker and Morgan. Color to be judged on brilliance of color or contrast. Judged on Horse.

6.    Showmanship at Halter to be judged on the handler’s ability to exhibit the horse to the best advantage. Handlers will be required to demonstrate proper showmanship and safety. A pattern may be asked for by the judge. May be asked to answer questions asked by the Judge. Judged on Exhibitor.

7.    1st Year Showmanship may not have shown in any Showmanship at any Show prior to this year.

8.    Hunter In Hand class to be shown In Hand in a halter or English bridle with the exhibitor in proper attire. Judged on Horse.

9.    English/Western Pleasure is to be judged on performance and ability to give a good pleasurable ride with emphasis on manners. Equitation/Horsemanship to be judged on seat, hands, guidance and control of horse/pony. Patterns may be asked for by the judge and/or may be asked to back. 

10. Lead Line riders may not enter classes 20 – 22. Riders may show in Novice Hunter ring classes 75-77 and no other classes weekend of show. Age restrictions apply. Leadline riders may ride any horse with no penalty for year end awards.

11. Walk/Jog and Walk/Trot Off Lead Riders may enter Novice Hunter ring classes 78-80 and no other classes weekend of show. Age restrictions apply. Walk/Jog Off Lead riders will be judged on their ability to maneuver the horse in half the arena. Handler may walk beside the rider without contact or stand in the middle of the ring. May not have previously shown in any 10 & Under W/T-J classes.

12. Walk/Jog and Walk/Trot class is open to riders with age restrictions as specified in class list. Riders walk and trot/ jog both ways of the ring. May enter W/T, W/J Trail, Go As You Please (may only trot or jog.) If you move up to canter classes (except 1st year) in circuit year you forfeit your walk trot points and cannot go back in the same year. May enter age specific Novice Hunter classes. Walk/Trot Open classes open to all, not just walk/trot riders.

13.Pre-Western and Pre-English class is for riders just learning to lope/canter. To be shown at the walk and trot/jog both directions of the ring. Riders can cross-enter into Walk/Trot, Walk/Jog and Go As You Please classes, but no other lope/canter classes for the day. Can only show in this class for one (1) year.

14. Walk/Trot/Canter and Walk/Jog/Lope is open to riders with age restrictions as specified in class list. Riders are to walk, trot/jog, canter/lope both ways of the ring.

15. Open Trail A horse/rider combination may only enter one Trail class. Rider may enter a second time on a different horse. After 2nd refusal at any obstacle, the horse must move on to the next obstacle.

16. In Hand Trail Open to miniatures and green horse/novice rider, not to enter any other Trail class with the same horse. Horses may not be pulled or placed. After 2nd refusal at any obstacle, the horse must move on to the next obstacle.

17. For ranch division high point or year end you must enter 1 in hand class that is in division.

18. Ranch Conformation This class is to showcase your working horse’s quality of movement (for working cow/ranch horse), balance, soundness, and structural correctness. Horses to be shown in a good working halter, rope, braided, nylon or plain leather. No silver.

19. Ground Handling Exhibitors may be asked to work from both the left and right side of the horse during any of the listed maneuvers (switching hands on the lead is permitted). Exhibitors may touch the horse to initiate lateral movement and when asked to lower the horse’s head. The judge will recognize the added degree of difficulty of not touching the horse and this will be reflected in the maneuver score.

20. Ranch Pleasure (Rail) Judged on the ability of the horse to be a pleasure to ride while being used as a means of conveyance from one ranch task to another and should reflect the versatility, attitude and movement of a working horse.

21. Ranch Riding Horse and rider will be asked to perform a pattern that includes changes of gait, extension of gait, crossing logs and lead changes.

22. Ranch Reining Horse will be judged on its maneuverability as it performs a set pattern that includes circles, lead changes, spins and stops.

23. Ranch Trail This class demonstrates a horse’s ability to maneuver a set of six to nine obstacles resembling what the horse and rider would encounter during everyday ranch work. Cannot cross enter in open trail.

24. Ranchmanship The purpose of this class is to bring forth the versatility in both the ranch horse and exhibitor, in the task of performing 1 of the 8 ARHA designated patterns, constructed of both Ranch Trail obstacles and Ranch Reining maneuvers.