Novice / Hunter Ring Judges
September Main- John Colon Novice- Tyler Smith | February Main- Steven Rivetts Novice- Lisa Forman |
October Main- Casey Martino Anzalone Novice- Jeremy Greene | March Main- Leslie Pack Novice- Mark Wonderly |
November Main- Ginny Edwards Novice- Dana Boyd | April Main- Douglas Bruce Novice- John Colon |
December Main- Jeremy Greene Novice- Steven Rivetts | May Main- Dana Boyd Novice- Danielle Menker |
NOVICE RING Sunday 8:30am | HUNTER RING Sunday 8:00 AM |
LEAD LINE 7 & UNDER DIVISION 75. Lead Line Hunter 76. Lead Line Equitation 77. Lead Line Ground Pole | 103. Model Horse / Confirmation |
WALK/TROT OFF LEAD 10 & UNDER DIVISION 78. W/T OM Lead Hunter 79. W/T OM Lead Equitation 80. W/T OM Lead Ground Pole | WORKING HUNTER 2’9” DIVISION 104. Working Hunter Under Saddle 105. Warm-up 2’9” 106. Working Hunter (2’9”) 107. Working Hunter (2’9”) |
WALK/TROT 10 & UNDER DIVISION 81. Walk/Trot Hunter 82. Walk/Trot Equitation 83. Walk/Trot Equitation Jump (12” – 18”) | CHILD/ADULT HUNTER 2’6” DIVISION 108. Child/Adult Hunter Under Saddle 109. Warm-up 2’6” (Open Card to Class 105) 110. Child/Adult Hunter (2’6”) 111. Child/Adult Hunter (2’6”) |
WALK TROT 11–17 DIVISION 84. Walk/Trot Hunter 85. Walk/Trot Equitation 86. Walk/Trot Equitation Jump (12” – 18”) | CHILD/ADULT EQUITATION 2’6” DIVISION 112. Child/Adult Equitation Flat 113. Child/Adult Equitation (2’6”) 114. Child/Adult Equitation (2’6”) |
WALK TROT ADULT DIVISION 87. Walk/Trot Hunter 88. Walk/Trot Equitation 89. Walk/Trot Equitation Jump (12” – 18”) | LOW HUNTER 2’3 DIVISION 115. Low Hunter Under Saddle 116. Warm-up 2’3” (Open Card to Class 116) 117. Low Hunter (2’3”) 118. Low Hunter (2’3”) |
WALK/TROT CROSSRAILS OPEN 90. Walk/Trot Equitation 91. Walk/Trot Equitation Jump (4 Crossrails 12” – 18”) 92. Walk/Trot Hunter Jump (4 Crossrails 12” – 18”) | LIMITED CHILD/ADULT EQUITATION 2’3” DIVISION 119. Limited Child/Adult Equitation Flat 120. Limited Child/Adult Equitation (2’3”) 121. Limited Child/Adult Equitation (2’3”) |
WALK/TROT INDIVIDUAL CANTER DIVISION 93. Walk/Trot Ind. Canter Hunter 94. Walk/Trot Ind. Canter Equitation 95. Walk/Trot Ind. Canter Equitation Jump (18”) 4 Fences Vertical 96. Hunter Warm-up 18” (Open Card to Class 101) | SCHOOLING HUNTER 2’0” DIVISION 122. Schooling Hunter Under Saddle 123. Warm-up 2’ (Open Card to Class 123) 124. Schooling Hunter (2’) 125. Schooling Hunter (2’) |
SHORT STIRRUPS DIVISION 97. Short Stirrups Hunter 18” 98. Short Stirrups Equitation 18” 99. Short Stirrups Equitation Flat | BEGINNER EQUITATION DIVISION 126. Beginner Equitation Flat 127. Beginner Equitation (2’) 128. Beginner Equitation (2’) |
LONG STIRRUPS DIVISION 100. Long Stirrups Hunter (18”) 101. Long Stirrups Equitation (18”) 102. Long Stirrups Equitation Flat |
JUMPER SHOW: Saturday 3:00 PM Schooling 2’6” &. Higher 1:30-2:00 pm Schooling 2’3” & Lower 2:00-2:30 pm Course Walk: 2:30 pm |
150. Beginner X Rail Jumpers 2B 151. Beginner X Rail Jumpers (18”) Table 2B 152. Puddle Jumpers (18”)Table 2B 153. Novice / Green Jumpers (2’) Table II2B |
154. Future Jumpers (2’) Table II2B 155. Blue Ribbon Jumpers (2’3”) |
156. Child Adult Jumpers (2’6”) Table II2B 157. Trainer Jumpers (2’6”) Table 2B |
158. Add Back Jumpers (2’6”-2’9”) Table II2A/B ($15 Entry Fee) 159. Hopeful Jumpers (2’9”) Table II2B |
Lead Line Division Open to riders 7 years and under. Hunter to be judged on manners and suitability at the walk, Equitation to be judged on position and suitability. Ground Pole to be judged on riders position and equitation, both directions of the ring. Walk over ground pole. Rider may be asked for Two-Point Position while on the rail and may be asked simple questions about the horse or tack. Rider may not enter any other hunter/jumper classes weekend of show. May enter class 16, 17 and 18 in Western ring.
Walk/Trot Off Lead Division Open to riders 10 years and under. Hunter to be judged on manners and suitability at the walk and trot, Equitation to be judged on position and suitability. Ground Pole to be judged on riders position and equitation, both directions of the ring. Walk over ground pole. Rider may be asked for Two-Point Position while on the rail and also may be asked simple questions about the horse or tack. Handler may stand in the center of the ring for assistance. If asked by judge, handler may assist rider at the trot. Rider may not enter any other hunter/jumper classes weekend of show. May enter class 19, 20 and 21 in Western ring.
Walk Trot 10 & Under Division Open to riders 10 and under. Hunter to be judged on performance and soundness, Equitation to be judged on rider. To be shown walk and trot both directions of the ring, and jump one cross rail (12”-18”). Horse and rider combination may only enter walk/trot classes weekend of show.
Walk Trot 11-17 Division Open to riders 11-17. Hunter to be judged on performance and soundness, Equitation to be judged on rider. To be shown walk and trot both directions of the ring, and jump one cross rail (12”-18”). Horse and rider combination may only enter walk/trot classes weekend of show.
Walk Trot Adult Open to riders 18 and older. Hunter to be judged on performance and soundness, Equitation to be judged on rider. To be shown walk and trot both directions of the ring, and jump one cross rail (12”-18”). Horse and rider combination may only enter walk/trot classes weekend of show.
Walk Trot Crossrail Open Open to all riders. To be shown walk and trot both directions of the ring, and jump a simple crossrail course of 4 jumps (12” – 18”). Hunter to be judged on performance and soundness, Equitation to be judged on the rider. Over fences to be shown at the walk and trot, however rider will not be penalized for cantering between jumps in a line. Horse and rider combination may only enter walk/trot classes weekend of show.
Walk Trot Individual Canter Division Open to all riders. To be shown walk and trot both directions of the ring, then canter one direction for each class. Hunter to be judged on performance and soundness, Equitation to be judged on rider. Jump class to be shown either at trot or canter over 4 jumps (outside 4 jumps), height not to exceed 18″. Jumps may be set as verticals or cross rails from 12″-18″. Brush boxes and flower boxes may be used. Horse and rider combination not eligible for any other Hunter classes weekend of show.
Warm-up Classes (Open Card) Open to all riders, to be judged on performance and soundness. To jump min of 7 jumps heights as indicated in schedule.
Short Stirrups Equitation Division Open to riders 13 years or younger, to be judged on rider. Classes over fences shall consist of max 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height over a simple course. Brush and flower boxes may be used. Flat classes to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. Simple changes allowed. Same horse and rider combination shall not enter any other Hunter classes weekend of show.
Long Stirrups Equitation Division Open to riders 14 years or older, to be judged on rider. Classes over fences shall consist of max 8 fences not exceeding 18” in height over a simple course. Brush and flower boxes may be used. Flat classes to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. Simple changes allowed. Same horse and rider combination shall not enter any other Hunter classes weekend of show.
Schooling Hunter Division Open to all riders, to be judged on performance and soundness. Classes over fences shall consist of 6-8 fences not exceeding 2’ in height. U/S to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. May go up one jump height, same horse/rider combination, weekend of show.
Beginner Equitation Division Open to all riders in their 1st and 2nd year of showing to be judged on rider only. Over fences shall consist of 6-8 fences not exceeding 2′ in height. U/S to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. May go up one jump height, same horse/rider combination, weekend of show.
Low Hunter Division Open to all riders, to be judged on performance and soundness. Over fences shall consist of 6-10 fences not exceeding 2’3″ in height. U/S to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. May go up or down one jump height, same horse/rider combination, weekend of show.
Limited Child/Adult Equitation Division Open to junior/amateur riders. To be judged on rider. Over fences shall consist of 6-10 fences not exceeding 2’3″ in height. U/S to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. May go up or down one jump height, same horse/rider combination, weekend of show.
Child/Adult Hunter Division Open to all riders. To be judged on performance and soundness. Over fences shall consist of 6-10 fences not exceeding 2’6″ in height. U/S to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. Horse and rider combination shall not jump higher than 2’9″ weekend of show. May go up or down one jump height, same horse/rider combination, weekend of show.
Child/Adult Equitation Division Open to all riders. To be judged on rider. Over fences shall consist of 6-10 fences not exceeding 2’6″ in height. U/S to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. Horse and rider combination shall not jump higher than 2’9″ weekend of show. May go up or down one jump height, same horse/rider combination, weekend of show.
Working Hunter Division 2’9″ Open to all riders, to be judged on performance and soundness. Over fences shall consist of 6-10 fences not to exceed 2’9″. U/S to be shown at walk, trot, and canter both directions. May go up or down one jump height, same horse/rider combination, weekend of show.
Model Horse Open to all riders, to be judged on the horse’s conformation, movement, and soundness without tack. The horse is led into the ring by a handler and wears only a bridle. The judge scores the horse based on its standing form, presence, and suitability for hunter movement. This class will qualify as in hand requirement for pleasure divisions.
Jumper Classes 150 – 152 – Horse/rider combination eligible to be shown in Hunter classes up to 2’
Beginner X Rail Jumpers (18”) Open to riders in their 1st year of jumping. To be judged on time with min. of 7 jumps, not to exceed 18” cross rails. Horse/rider combination shall not enter any other class exceeding 2’ in height the SAME weekend of show. Table II2b
Puddle Jumpers (18”) Open to all riders. To be judged on time with jump a min. of 7 jumps not to exceed 18” verticals. Horse/rider combination shall not enter any other class exceeding 2’ in height the SAME weekend of show. Table II2b
Novice Jumpers (2’) Open to riders or horses in their 1st & 2nd year of jumping. To be judged on time with min. of 7 jumps, not to exceed 2’3″ cross rails or verticals the day of show. Table II2b
Future Jumpers (2’3”) Open to all riders. To be judged on time with min. of 7 jumps not to exceed 2’6” either cross rails or verticals the day of show. Table II2b
Blue Ribbon Jumpers 2’3” Open to all riders. To jump min. of 7 jumps, verticals, not to exceed 2’6”. Clear rounds will receive a blue ribbon. Table ll2b
Child/Adult Jumpers 2’6″ Open to all riders. To be judged on time with min. of 7 jumps not to exceed 2’6”. Table II2b
Training Jumpers 2’6” Open to all riders. To be judged on time with a min. of 7 jumps not to exceed 2’6”. Table II2b
Add Back Jumpers 2’6″-2’9″ Open to all riders. To jump a course of 7-12 jumps not to exceed 2’9”. Min of 3 riders for payoff. Class Fee $15. $10 add back for each horse. Pay off: 1st – 40%; 2nd – 30%; 3rd – 20%; 4th – 10% (payoffs to be deducted from show fees). Table II2b
Hopeful Jumpers 2’9″ Open to all riders. To be judged on time with a minimum of 7 jumps not to exceed 2’9”. Table II2b
Table ll2A – First round decided by faults. If there’s a tie, there will be a jump off to determine placings.
Table ll2B – If a Rider has gone clean in 1st round, without leaving the ring the Rider, with an audible signal, will commence the designated jump off course.
Table ll2C – If a Rider has gone clean in 1st round, upon crossing finishing line, Rider will immediately commence the designated jump off course.